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Submerge the Whole Being

Enter the sacred dance of Life, allow your whole being to be submerged into the joy of Nature as it grows into Spring.


Take a moment to celebrate your journey, your personal spiritual practice.

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10%off Flower Shower

Energised Hair and Body Wash -

14 unique colours and scents.

Begin and end the day with intention.




Receive a free gift

Have an Aura-Soma Consultation during September and receive an Equilibrium from your selection of bottles as a gift to the journey.



$10 off 2nd Massage

Book a Colour Chakra Massage in September and October and receive 10% off a Second Massage.



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Chakra glasses

Book an Aura-Soma Consultation during October and choose an Equilibrium from your selection of 4 bottles as a gift to your journey.



Join Us - Sacred Circle

Equinox, coming to Balance

Once celebrated as the beginning of the Year, the time when rebirth is celebrated. A moment to revisit the youthful parts of us, remember what makes us 'sing', retouch into the simplicity life holds. 

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